Time for a light change
- 17 May, 2023
- News and Press Coverage , Blog

The days of fluorescent tubes are coming to an end, as new EU legislation comes into force on 24 August, but new light sources can save electricity and increase productivity in the barn
There is a big change coming in the world of lighting. When summer comes to an end this year, it will no longer be possible to produce and import classic fluorescent tubes. This is happening on the basis of EU legislation which seeks to abolish fluorescent tubes with mercury. And there is good reason for the abolition, says RN-Solution's director, Rune Qvist Nielsen.
-The problem is the fluorescent tubes called metal halide. They use a lot of power compared to the alternatives, and they are not exactly sustainable either.
He explains that the abolition of the metal halide fluorescent tubes is part of the EU's plan for a greener future with less CO2. At the same time, it is also to stop the production of fluorescent tubes with toxic substances such as mercury.
When the legislation comes into force on 24 August, it does not mean that you should panic immediately. But you have to start thinking about the future, says Rune Qvist Nielsen.
-You are still allowed to use them (the fluorescent tubes), and it may make sense to stick with your system. But there is a time limit on how long the fluorescent tubes last.
The fluorescent tubes that are being phased out are of the type T5 and T8. The tubes can still be purchased after August 24, but only while stocks last.
How does the switch work?
If you are interested in replacing the old neon tubes with LED tubes, then according to Rune Qvist Nielsen, you have two choices.
-Either you have to replace the entire fixture, or, if the fixture is up to it, you can just change the pipes. With most luminaires in agriculture, you can just switch directly to LED tubes.
Luminaires that have a magnetic ballast (iron core coil) and spark plugs do not work with the LED tubes, but this is now rarely seen in agriculture. Rune Qvist Nielsen points out, however, that in most cases it makes sense to change the entire fixture.
-The old fittings can be softened by ammonia and wear and tear, and it doesn't take more than ten minutes to get it changed.
If you are in doubt about your fitting, it is easy to get a helping hand from RN-Solutions. With their Plug'N Play solution, they ensure both easy solutions for electrical installers and farmers themselves.
-We are always happy to come out and help with advice on how to create a new setup, says Rune Qvist Nielsen.
A better solution
So it is therefore possible to keep the old fluorescent tubes. But if you want to upgrade the lighting fixture on your farm, then there is both money to be saved, while at the same time production in the barn is optimized. At RN-Solutions, dimmable LED fluorescent tubes have been developed, which can provide great energy savings.
-The old fluorescent tubes use approximately 50 percent more power than our LED fluorescent tubes. And the LED also just lasts longer. Depending on the type of, for example a barn, the replacement to LED will pay for itself within a year or two in energy savings, says Rune Qvist Nielsen.
It is precisely the lighting of areas with animals, such as a barn, where RN-Solution's products shine through. Depending on whether a farmer has poultry, pigs or cattle, RN-Solution's lighting can be adjusted according to the animals' needs.
– With the correct lighting, you can increase productivity without putting pressure on the animals. Both animals and people are simply more productive with optimal light, explains Rune Qvist Nielsen.
Another factor that makes RN-Solution's lighting ideal in stables is their good durability. The large amount of ammonia that occurs in barns with certain animals can eat through the old light sources. But RN-Solutions has taken into account the harsh environment in the barn.
-Our LED tubes are approved to be in stables. The pipes have a coating that makes them resistant to ammonia, and therefore they stay tight for a longer time.