The pigs must believe it's always summer
- 27 Jul, 2023
- News and Press Coverage , Blog

At Bovbjerg Økologi, the pigs believe that it is summer all year round due to special lighting. This results in a higher fertility rate
You have probably experienced it yourself, that when the days get longer and nature gets greener, something happens in the body. This also applies to the lakes at Bovbjerg Økologi ved Give, which is Denmark's largest ecological reproduction. Just like us humans, pigs also become horny in connection with spring and summer, and this is when the pregnancy rate is highest.
The problem is just that spring and the long days don't last, and at some point the darkness returns. So what do you do in that situation? Henrik Bovbjerg, who is director and co-owner of Bovbjerg Økologi and Bovbjerg Genetics, chose to contact the lighting company RN Solutions. Because with the right lighting, you can extend the pigs' heat period
-It is the light that makes the sows come into heat and keep it. I guess it has something to do with them thinking it's spring or summer. At least it increases the pregnancy rate a little, and then a little more pigs can be born.
With an agreement in place, the installation could begin. The first installation was at Bovbjerg Genetics in December, and two months later the trip went to a newly built stable at Bovbjerg Økologi. And it was an easy process.
-We actually set up most of it ourselves, as RN Solutions has this plug and play technology with their lighting. At the same time, their lighting can also withstand the environment in the stables, so that was the reason why we chose this collaboration, says Henrik Bovbjerg.
Daylight in the stables
The light that shines down over the lakes in the stables is what RN Solutions calls Brunst Light. It is designed for animal welfare and meets the requirements of veterinarians and international advisors. And well, it makes the pigs happy.
-The thing that makes the lights work so well for the pigs is that it has enough lumens and shines at over 6000 kelvin. It creates what we call daylight and simulates the light of the spring and summer months. And there we know that the sows become more pregnant, explains Henrik Bovbjerg.
Since it was not long ago that the lighting was installed, Henrik Bovbjerg cannot conclude on the results in relation to production, but he expects that the efficiency will increase.
-It is a bit difficult to count on efficiency, we are not working with machines. So exactly how much it increases is hard to say. But we would certainly like to improve our results, says Henrik Bovbjerg.
In practice, RN Solutions has seen very variable results by installing the rut light. Up to one extra pig per litter, as well as increasing the farrowing percentage by two to five percentage points. In addition, the light also helps to prevent circling, casting and empty lakes. Virtually everyone who has had the estrus light installed has seen a better estrus and fewer sows that "stand over". For Henrik Bovbjerg, it also means that his employees can go to work with more peace of mind in relation to production.
-Then you can say that it is under control. When the technology is at its best, we know that we have the best basis for producing good results, also in the running stable. It provides production security for us and our employees.