Plug´N Play from RN Solutions provides delivery reliability and a good bottom line
- 22 Nov, 2022
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Plug'N Play solutions from RN Solutions provide security of delivery at Elektrikeren Nord, and then it improves the bottom line when workers can install the light sources
At Elektrikeren Nord you are really busy right now, because the electricity prices have focused on savings, and this applies not least in agriculture, which takes up a lot of the installer's customer file.
-We are in full swing in production; everything we possibly can. We have a lot of work with pig pens, and we do that even if the price of the pig is bad, says Anders Kragh, service manager at Elektrikeren Nord, which employs approximately 60 people based in Vrå.
Elektrikeren Nord is a dealer of RN Solutions solutions for agriculture and industry, where the light sources and light control units for the end customer can help to reduce energy consumption by up to 70-80 percent, but the installer also benefits greatly from the products, which is delivered as Plug'N Play.
-We use a lot of Plug´N Play solutions for stables. It's easy, and that means we can quickly install in the barn. It is also service-friendly afterwards, should a problem arise, says Anders Kragh, who also emphasizes that the plug-and-play solution is very important for the personnel that must be used for an installation.
-We can use employees other than electricians. This means that we can easily use workers to set up the equipment from RN Solutions, because it does not require an electrician for the entire task. The electrician must of course install the connection end, but once it is installed, it is Plug'N Play the rest of the way - so a worker can easily install it without problems, and often this is done in collaboration with the farmer, explains Anders Kragh.
Supply security at the top
Elektrikeren Nord is an installation company that focuses on agriculture and industry, and here you can clearly feel that the green transition is relevant as never before, but also the prospect of large savings on the electricity bill has filled the minds of customers very much in the past 3-4 months, and therefore the security of delivery must be top notch, so that the payback time for the customer in relation to the investment in new lighting can be as short as possible.
-The security of delivery is really important to us, because we have many situations where there is renovation of existing old stables, where we only have a few days to work while the stable is empty. And it is also of great importance to us and to our customers that RN Solutions provides a five-year guarantee on its products, says Anders Kragh and elaborates:
-We are the farmer's advisor, and that means that we propose the solution we would like to deliver, and this means that RN Solutions' products come into play when we have to create a solution as an adviser to the customer, explains Anders Kragh and says that for journeymen, apprentices and laborers it is also important, how the products are to work with on a daily basis.
And here at Elektrikeren Nord, you notice that the founders of RN Solutions have a background in agriculture, so they know the problems installers face when they have to install lights in a stable environment with ammonia and dirt - also in terms of durability and warranty.
-They understand that. We have had an influence on the product development at RN Solutions, simply in terms of the construction of the fittings. If we make a suggestion and we want three screw connections in the fixture instead of two, that's what we got. This makes it more attractive for us to use, as it is the product we want to work with.
But even before the various lighting solutions reach the stables, Anders Kragh can feel that the installers' needs are a high priority at RN Solutions.
-For me as a project manager, it is easy to send an email to RN Solutions and say that I need a calculation for that barn: width, length, height - how much do I need? And then it won't be long before I get an email back with a lighting calculation.
LED stable fixtures and bucket lamps from RN Solutions, has been developed for stable environments, and can therefore withstand large amounts of dust and water, which means that the fittings can be high-pressure cleaned.
The installation of RN Solutions lighting products can be done via the cost-effective Plug'N Play solution, which can be easily installed by the farmer or the usual electrical installer, or with fixtures for fixed installation with PUSH IN clamps. RN Solutions products come with a 5-10 year warranty and are specially coated against ammonia.