Green LED light results in less feed consumption and greater growth
- 24 Jun, 2022
- News and Press Coverage , Blog

It is far from unimportant what colors chickens live in and how much light they are exposed to. At RN Solutions, we supply light that brings the dynamics of nature into the barn, and three universities have tested the JungLite Green lighting concept, which RN Solutions sells, and the result is palpable: 3-5 percent less feed consumption and 3-5 percent greater growth.
JungLite Green is a patented, full-spectrum lighting concept that recreates the lighting conditions in the Asian jungle, from which chickens and chickens have developed into the breeds we have in the barns today. In the jungle, chicks up to 16 weeks old seek shelter from predators under large green leaves, and JungLite Green's green diodes recreate the security that the jungle leaves originally created for the chicks. JungLite Green also simulates a natural sunrise and sunset, and by imitating the natural dynamics, the chickens are less exposed to stressful inputs, mortality is lower and the chickens' immune system is improved.
JungLite GreenTM has been tested at Wageningen University in the Netherlands and at the American universities Texas A&M and Stephen F. Austin. Through the experiments at the three universities, it has become clear that chickens have a color preference that varies according to their age and that chickens have changing behavior patterns throughout the light period. Therefore, the green light from JungLite GreenTM is recommended for broilers and live chickens up to and including week 16, while the red light from Dim-to-Red is recommended for layers and breeders from week 17.
Chickens hatch, illuminated by the green light
Dynamic light affects the growth of the chicken
When using JungLite Green, the developmental light needs of the chickens are met at each growth stage. The blue light has a clear effect on growth and sexual development by a natural increase of hormones in the body, which helps the chick to form more muscle mass later in the growth phase.
The studies from the three universities show that broilers, which have been illuminated with JungLite Green throughout their life, have an increase of 3-5 percent in slaughter weight. In addition, the blue light in JungLite Green helps to calm the chickens and lowers the blood pressure and glucose level in the chickens, and studies show a clear decrease in feed consumption of 3-5 percent among broilers illuminated with JungLite Green.
With JungLite Green, you get light in the barn on the animal's terms, which helps to increase animal welfare and productivity at the same time as the energy saving inherent in LED lighting.
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