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Avoid floor eggs and stressed egg layers

Avoid floor eggs and stressed egg layers

Avoid yellow walls and stressed egg-layers by illuminating the floor system with colored light

It is scientifically documented that chickens prefer to stay in red light and actively avoid blue light. If the floor system is therefore illuminated with red light and the floor with bluish light, the hens will naturally climb into the floor system to lay eggs.

Dim-to-Red is a combination light which consists of diodes of white light and diodes of other colors. If the light is dimmed to below 40%, the light will only be red, and the energy bill will be lower.

Once by Signify, the manufacturer behind the light system, has conducted studies that have shown that layers under their light system have increased egg production by 8% compared to layers under normal light, which is used in the majority of egg production.

The red light from Dim-to-Red increases egg production in both young and old egg-layers, and causes the young hens to achieve a constant and high egg production quality more quickly. In addition, the light gives the older hens the opportunity to remain in egg production for a longer period.

With dynamic circadian rhythms that simulate a natural sunrise and sunset, where the light slowly and automatically phases in and out, aggression and stress levels are reduced in both young and old egg-layers. And with the red light, which has a calming effect on chickens, a significant reduction in cannibalism and the chickens pecking at each other is achieved.

Hear more about the floor lighting system for your egg layers and breeding, by calling Rune Nielsen on tel.: 6049 9015.

Facts about using Dim-to-Red and Dim-to-Blue for floor system

  • Special development for egg layers and breeding
  • Increase and prolong egg production
  • Avoid yellow wall
  • Get less aggressive chickens
  • 0-100% dimmable LED lights that reduce power consumption

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